EDIS Symposium 2021

Date and timings
Wednesday 8 December 2021, 10.00 – 13.00 GMT
Thursday 9 December 2021, 13.00 – 16.00 GMT
Please register if you are intending to catch up on recordings as video links will be emailed out via the details you provide in the registration form.
Event summary
The EDIS Symposium 2021 is bringing together diverse voices within the science and health research sector. It is an opportunity to share progress of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) work by EDIS members and the wider community and highlight future changes. The agenda and sessions will link the research system together through application of EDI concepts to research design, careers, and culture.
This year’s event is set within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic which has re-highlighted and amplified awareness of inequalities in the sector. It provides an opportunity to redesign our approach to science and health research. The EDIS symposium 2021 aims to use this momentum to focus on activities and actions that organisations can put in place to make change happen. Reflexive research practice, roving researcher schemes and new EDI strategies and policies are some of the activities that will be discussed.
Collaboration across the sector is key to improving equality, diversity, and inclusion. Therefore, this virtual event is aimed at anyone working in science and health research and innovation at all career stages including researchers, funders, policy makers, administrators, support staff and more. There will be talks, discussions and panel sessions with a focus on action and opportunities for attendees to ask questions.
We aim for this event to be as inclusive as possible and will follow the EDIS safer space policy. We have BSL interpreters, live captioning, and will send out a transcript of the event. All presentations will be set within our inclusive guidelines so that font, graphics, and data visualisation are accessible.
Our symposium is free to attend. If you have any further requirements or just want to check anything, feel free to email Lauren (pronouns she/her) at L.Rhydderch@wellcome.org